Returns & Refunds Policy

This Refund and Return Policy (“Policy”) applies to the following purchases: 3d printed and/or manufactured goods by PRINT3D 4U.


We offer refunds, repairs and replacements in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law and on the terms set out in this Refund Policy (“Policy”).

Any benefits set out in this Policy may apply in addition to consumer’s rights under the Australian Consumer Law.

Before making a purchase, please read this Policy so that you can understand your rights and what you can expect from us if you are not satisfied with your order.


A person – or in some cases a self-employed individual or a business – will be considered a consumer if they purchase:

Goods or services that cost less than $40,000 or

Goods or services that cost more than $40,000 but are of a kind ordinarily acquired for domestic, household, or personal use or consumption.

A purchaser will not be considered a consumer if goods are purchased to be resold or to be transformed into a product that is sold.


Under the Australian Consumer Law:

Our goods and services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For major failures with the service, you are entitled to cancel your service contract with us; and to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.

You are also entitled to choose a refund or replacement for major failures with goods. If a failure with the goods or a service does not amount to a major failure, you are entitled to have the failure rectified in a reasonable time. If this is not done you are entitled to a refund for the goods and to cancel the contract for the service and obtain a refund of any unused portion. You are also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage from a failure in the goods or service. Exact replacements may not be available for 3D prints due to factors such as but not limited to material availability, discontinued colour options or other factors. In circumstances where an exact replacement is not available, we will provide you with similar options that are available, and if you are not satisfied with the replacement offered, you may choose to receive a refund instead.

We offer refunds, repairs, and replacements in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law if reported within 14 days after receiving your product

The Australian Consumer Law provides a set of Consumer Guarantees which protect consumers when they buy products and services.

If the Australian Consumer Law applies, then we cannot avoid the Consumer Guarantees which it provides. If there is an inconsistency between this Policy and the Australian Consumer Law, the Australian Consumer Law will prevail.

Further information about the Australian Consumer Law and these Consumer Guarantees is available from the website of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

If a product or service which you purchased from us has a major failure (as defined in the Australian Consumer Law) then you may be entitled to a replacement or refund. You may also be entitled to compensation for any reasonably foreseeable loss or damage resulting from that major failure.

If a product or service which you purchased from us has a failure that does not amount to a major failure (as defined in the Australian Consumer Law) then you may still be entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced.


Businesses do not have to pay for damages or losses that:

Relate to something independent of their business, after the goods left their control.


A warranty against defects is a representation communicated to a consumer that if the goods or services (or part of them) are defective, the business will:

Replace goods (or part of them) or refund the consumer.

PRINT3D 4U will replace or refund faulty goods and is not responsible for any consequential loss incurred due to faulty goods.

A consumer must take the necessary steps within 14 days to report these issues so that the PRINT3D 4U will have enough and equal opportunity to inspect parts on return.


PRINT3D 4U warrants only that the model manufactured by us will substantially meet the features of the indicated 3D Model within the limitations of the 3D printing technology. Please inspect the 3D Model upon receipt immediately. If the 3D Model is faulty when you received it and you believe you are entitled to a replacement in accordance with the warranty above, please contact us within 14 days after receipt of the 3D Model. Such warranty claims can be made only within 14 days after receipt of the model by you. Do not return the 3D Model unless we require you to do so. We reserve the right to condition any replacement or refund on the return of the 3D Model.

We will confirm whether you are entitled to a replacement or refund. We reserve the right to condition your receipt of a replacement or refund on you providing us with photographs that we deem necessary to evaluate your claim. A model will be ineligible for replacement or refund if the model has been altered or post-processed in any way by you.

CUSTOMERS recognize and accept that, within the full scope of the applicable regulations, PRINT3D 4U cannot be held responsible for direct, indirect, fortuitous damage, or compensation for moral harm, costs, losses, decrease in turnover or profits, or liabilities of any nature which may arise from the use or, on the contrary, impossibility of using, the website or its contents (even if the occurrence of harm in question was known to, or could have been foreseen by PRINT3D 4U). In any event, PRINT3D 4U’s liability shall be limited to the total amount paid by the CUSTOMER for their current order.


In no event shall we, nor our directors, employees, agents, partners, or suppliers, be liable under any contract, tort, strict liability, negligence or any other legal or equitable theory with respect to the services for any loss of income, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of data, cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, or for any indirect, incidental, exemplary, special, punitive, compensatory or consequential loss or damage of any kind (howsoever arising), for any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like (regardless of the source of origination), or for any direct damages in excess of (in the aggregate) the greater of the fee received from you  for the use of the services during the immediately preceding three (3) months period or $250.00 (two hundred and fifty Australian dollars).


We do not offer any refund if you change your mind, or find the same product cheaper elsewhere.


In the event that the product you ordered has been damaged during delivery:

Please contact us as soon as possible.

Any damaged product must be returned in the condition in which it was received, together with any packaging and other items which you received with the damaged product.

We will arrange to replace the damaged product and replace it with an equivalent product, or to refund it, provided that you have contacted us within 14 days from the date of receiving the product.


Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Policy, we may refuse to replace or refund a product purchased by you if:

You misused the product in a way which caused the problem.

Any other exceptions that apply under the Australian Consumer Law.


In the event that a product you have purchased fails to meet one or more Consumer Guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law, we shall bear any cost of shipping the product (the “Returned Product”) back to us, as well as any cost of shipping any replacement product to you.

If the Returned Product can easily be shipped or returned, then you are responsible for organizing for the Returned Product to be returned to us. If the Returned Product is eligible for a replacement, or refund under the terms of this Policy (including under the Australian Consumer Law) then we will reimburse you for the reasonable postage, shipping, or transportation costs for the Returned Product.

In the event that we organize and pay for the inspection, postage, shipping, transportation, or collection of a Returned Product, and it turns out not to be eligible for a repair, replacement, or refund under the terms of this Policy (including under the Australian Consumer Law), then you will be required to pay the costs of any inspection, postage, shipping, transportation or collection of the Returned Product.


We aim to process any requests for repairs, replacements, or refunds within 14 days of receipt.

If you paid with the Paypal payment option please see Paypal's refund processing times.

If you paid using the Square Credit Card payment option - Square says: "It takes 2-7 business days to process a refund with Square. Once the refund is processed and sent to your customer’s card issuing bank, it can take another 2-7 business days (depending on the bank’s processing speeds) for the refund to post to your customer’s account. In total, it can take up to 4–14 business days for your customer to receive their refund - Square Refund FAQ's scroll down to the "Refund Timeline" section.


You can contact us at the end of this Policy to discuss a return using the information.

Unless otherwise defined in our sole discretion, we shall pay all refunds in the same form as the original purchase or to the same account or credit card used to make the original purchase.

To be eligible for a refund, repair, or replacement, you must provide proof of purchase.

You may be required to provide government-issued identification to qualify for a refund, repair or replacement.


If you wish to speak to us about this Policy or about any refund, repairs or replacements, please contact us at: